Quran – God is in form and he is Lord Kabir

Information : that’s true and you can open quran and read that same thing – and he is kabir who created that world that universe . tell us if you don’t know about that.

you only know about how many likes you get on recently uploaded pics you don’t know about who is true god and you read quran or bible daily but u didnt read it in focus ? because you need money or something else from god but you don’t wanna know who is god , our region is Humanity and god is one that is Lord Kabir .if you have any question and you think that’s not true you can tell us

क्या विष्णु ही भगवान हैं? , Is Vishnu the God ?

Is that true or not ?

Important : You don’t know what happened next but you know ? how to earn more ? you waste your full life to earn money think about your soul what happened after when you die .

you just wanna say Who has seen yesterday . if you’re educated and know how to earn money. then you should have to know who created this world, this universe and this human. according to science there is just atoms. and some chemicals you trust in science ,but you don’t know who create the science ? who create that brain who’s able to find atoms , and mini articles of universe think about it. thats not education thats called useless if you don’t know.

अगर विष्णु ही भगवान् है तो उन्होंने धरती पर राम अवतार लेकर रावण को क्यों मारा , भगवान् तो किसी को मरता ही नहीं और वो तो जीवन दान देता है और मोक्ष देता है और दुछ से दुछ प्राणियों को भी अपनी शरण में लेता है तो, विष्णु भगवान् कसे हुए और उनकी भी जनम और मृत्यु होती है भगवत गीता में लिखा है ( विष्णु ,शिव और ब्रह्मा की जन्म मृत्यु होती है गीता में लिखा है )

If Vishnu is God, then why should he kill Ravana with the incarnation of Lord Rama, God does not die to anyone, and he gives life and gives salvation and if he takes refuge in some of the other beings, then Vishnu God is born and there is also birth and death in him, written in the Bhagavad Gita (death of Vishnu, Shiva and Brahma is written in the Gita) Translation Required .